1·Perform a calculation (calculate the mean average).
2·P. S by theta I mean average case, not the worst case scenario you mentioned.
3·The winning team in such a case will be given the mean average score for all other rounds debated in the tournament.
4·The ASTM data was treated to produce the TBP data and the mean average boiling point by explicit correlations and then the pseudo-components were cut by using the integral method.
5·I mean, although it varies, the average was clearly longer than 354 days.
6·However, those larger average Windows also mean the SACK receiving code needs to do a lot more work for every packet received as the queue to be scanned contains more packets.
7·Mean time to failure is the average continuously operational period — i.e. the average period between the end of one failure and the beginning of the next.
8·We have expected value, mean or average.
9·The “trimmed-mean PCE deflator”, calculated by the Dallas Fed, which excludes those prices that have risen and fallen the most before taking a weighted average of the rest, is up 2.4%.
10·The key thing to remember about random variables is that actual observations are centered around an average, or mean value.